Gifts from your Will or Trust
How It Works
Include a gift to the JFS Foundation in your will or trust.
Make your bequest unrestricted or direct it to a specific purpose, like creating a specific endowment for the JFS Foundation.
Indicate a specific amount or a percentage of the balance remaining in your estate or trust.
Your assets remain in your control during your lifetime.
You can modify your gift to address changing circumstances.
You can direct your gift to a particular purpose (be sure to check with us to make sure your gift can be used as intended).
Under current tax law, there is no upper limit on the estate tax deduction for your charitable bequests.
A bequest to support the JFS Foundation should be thoughtfully planned.
Whichever form you prefer, you can direct that your bequest be used for our greatest needs or for a specific purpose you designate. Whatever your objectives, we will be happy to work with you in planning a bequest that will be satisfying, economical, and effective in carrying out your wishes in our important mission.
A gift from your will or trust is for you if:
you want to help ensure Jewish Family Service's future viability and strength.
long-term planning is more important to you than an immediate income tax deduction.
you want the flexibility of a gift commitment that doesn't affect your current cash flow.
A gift through your will or trust is one of the simplest legacy gifts to arrange. However, you have several options for how to plan your bequest, so you do need to do some basic planning to be sure you choose the type of bequest that suits you best.
Your bequest can be:
A certain dollar amount
An item of value or a piece of property (Read more about gifts of real estate.)
All or a percentage of the remainder of your estate after all debts costs and other bequests have been paid
Contingent upon the passing of another beneficiary who gets first priority
Designated to a specific purpose or program or unrestricted to be used where its needed most at the time