About the JFS Foundation
Established in 2012, the JFS Foundation supports the long-term viability of the mental health and social services of Jewish Family Service through planned giving and endowments. It allows thoughtful, generous participants to make a lasting difference in our community by establishing or contributing to a fund in memory or honor of a loved individual or family.
While a yearly contribution to the Agency is necessary for enabling JFS to grow in response to increasing community and social needs, a gift to the JFS Foundation is your distinctive opportunity to sustain your name and personalized commitment to JFS. Your gift will grow for years to come and allows you to focus your support to specific interests and services that honor your loved ones. In addition, your gifts create further insurance, so that should personal, annual Agency giving fall short, and/or grant funding be reduced, a reliable source of support will be available to maintain JFS’ nationally accredited and professional services to any child, teen, adult or older adult in need. Foundation funds ensure service availability to anyone in need and open doors.
You can make a tax-deductible gift at any time to the JFS Foundation to an established fund or to the general unrestricted fund.
Gifts from your Will or Trust
Preserve your assets during your lifetime by planning a gift that costs nothing to you now, but can make a world of difference to JFS and the community over time.
Gifts from a Retirement Plan
Leave more of your estate to your heirs and name JFS as beneficiary to your retirement plan, freeing up other assets to pass on.
Gifts of Stock and Appreciated Assets
Avoid capital gains tax by buying low and giving high. Take advantage of appreciated securities, rather than cash, to make your gift to the JFS Foundation.
Gifts of Life Insurance
Create a long-term gift that won’t draw funds from your estate. Originate a new life insurance policy or donate a paid-up policy of coverage you no longer need.

“At JFS, we want all donors to experience a personal connection and family pride in the way they are strengthening their community for generations. Opening one’s heart, through a gift today or one that will be fulfilled tomorrow, keeps our doors open and our services accessible, enabling JFS to continue to provide help and hope for the future of our community.”
- Cathy Barker, JFS CEO

Fundholder Spotlight
Bette and Dr. Gary Morchower have a 40-plus year history with JFS, including serving the agency through many roles and now as Foundation fundholders.
What inspired you to start your fund at the JFS Foundation?
Bette: We know that Jewish Family Service is always there meeting the needs of the growing population and the growing need in Dallas. We thought it was so meaningful as it serves a first response to an immediate need and is imperative for providing proper care. Our fund will be available for the continuum for those in immediate need for those in crisis and need intervention, counseling and support.
Dr. Gary: After having practiced for 45 years in this community, one of the glaring needs that is so readily visible is the need for psychiatric, counseling and care for so many children and families in this community. So many people cannot afford proper psychological and psychiatric services, and their needs are frequently unmet.
Bette: This fund will enable them to receive this care.
What are your hopes for your fund as it continues to grow and support JFS?
Bette: There are so many that have immediate needs, and thats why we use “in crisis” to distinguish the fund. Gary being a pediatrician saw first hand the need.
Dr. Gary: It’s frustrating as a physician because you’re able to treat things like pneumonia and ear infections, but when it comes to children that are in crisis, it becomes very difficult because you’re limited with your resources.

TEL: 972.437.9950 EXT. 263 | CBARKER@JFSDALLAS.ORG